Xray bronchitis
Xray bronchitis

xray bronchitis

The program is scientifically and practically designed to approach your entire health condition, and at the same time, early detection, timely intervention and treatment in order to minimize the complications of diabetes. The package of health screening and general health examination of Vinmec International General Hospital is completely different from performing a regular health check. A chest X-ray may also detect signs of lung infections like pneumonia. Blood test is one of the tests performed in the General Health Checkup packages at Vinmec International General Hospital in addition to other tests. A chest X-ray is not a definitive tool for diagnosing acute or chronic bronchitis, but your X-ray may show signs of inflammation of the bronchi, which can help in the diagnosis of acute or chronic bronchitis. From there, based on the antibiotic map to properly treat the bacteria that need to be destroyed and effectively treat the disease. It is considered a generic term referring to inflammation of the bronchial wall, representing the common final response of the airways to various irritants 3. The test results can determine exactly what type of bacteria is causing the disease. Bronchitis (plural bronchitides) refers to inflammation of large airways (i.e. Microbiological test: The examiner is asked to take a sputum sample to send to the laboratory. However, if after a period of time the treatment is not effective, The following tests are necessary: ​​ Blood tests: Peripheral blood leukocytes are elevated by 10,000 - 15,000/mm3, neutrophils are elevated, the leukocyte formula is left shift Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a common result in bronchitis. In most cases, the doctor, after a clinical examination, will make a definitive diagnosis of the disease, and then prescribe treatment based on the symptoms of the disease. Some other tests used in the diagnosis of bronchitis Depending on the capacity and judgment of the doctor, the effectiveness of the diagnosis is determined. Therefore, it can be said that the image on the X-ray film reflects an abnormal change in the lung structure after a period of illness. Changes in the lung's ability to work will lead to changes in the normal structures of the lungs, this is shown on X-ray images. In addition, there are a number of other signs showing abnormalities in the lungs and bronchi such as increased lung volume, blurred images of the border between blood vessels due to an inflammatory reaction around the two hilumes. This increased coloration is the result of mucus accumulation caused by viruses, bacteria, or by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and reduced activity of the cilia in smokers. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are both respiratory conditions that fall under the classification of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD. Usually, if the patient has bronchitis, the radiographs will show the bilateral bronchial branches to increase darkening (thickening of the bronchial walls).

Xray bronchitis