Pellucid technologies
Pellucid technologies

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pellucid technologies pellucid technologies

and its employees respect the Privacy and Intellectual Property Rights of everyone. Conventional treatment systems can only achieve this through use of expensive, tertiary-level treatment technologies.DISCLAIMER: LawyerServices, Integrated Web Services Pvt. PWCP also provides opportunities for recycling / reuse of treated water, due to the high efficiency in removal of chemicals and biological organisms. Thus, the potential for recover/reuse is greatly reduced. In addition, conventional technologies using membranes do not create a precipitate – they produce concentrated brine. Conventional treatment processes do not afford these opportunities, because chemicals are either altered by the addition of added chemistry (i.e., agents/polymers) or biological degradation or are lost through respiration or volatilization. These chemical resources are substantially preserved, and therefore have potential for reuse as value-added products. PWCP converts chemicals in solution into precipitates that can then be recovered. Conventional technologies produce secondary wastes through use of chemical agents as flocculants (e.g., alum) or for recharge (e.g., ion exchangers). Thus, precipitates generated by PWCP consist only of the chemicals and biological organisms present in the water. PWCP reactors require electrical power only. Conventional technologies (e.g., biofilters and membranes) have comparatively large electrical power requirements. PWCP ionization occurs at low energy levels that marginally affect chemicals in solution, inducing aggregation, flocculation and precipitation. Note: Plasma technologies using advanced oxidation are also specialized in their application. Conventional technologies are based on classical chemical methods that are specialized in their application. PWCP uses a plasma chemical method capable of acting on a broad range of organic and inorganic chemicals, and biological contaminants. Conventional water treatment consist of process systems employing multiple technologies, each acting on a portion of the chemical or biological matrixes. PWCP is a single technology that acts on all of the chemicals in solution simultaneously. These cost savings are achievable based on the following attributes of PWCP technology, compared with conventional treatment technologies:

pellucid technologies

Pellucid Water’s cold plasma (PWCP) technology provides value to the user by decreasing the cost of water treatment (both infrastructure and operating costs) and increasing the capabilities and efficiencies of process systems that decontaminate and disinfect water.

Pellucid technologies